DApps or decentralized applications are tools or apps that are not managed by any company and where users interact without intermediaries among them, through a blockchain generally.
This makes them very popular and increasingly used. It is expected that it will multiply by 4 in 2026.
Find out what DApps are and learn about the best examples of decentralized applications.
DApps or decentralized applications are a special category of applications that work based on a decentralized network of computers. The data generated by this application is hosted on a network of computers that allows this information to be kept safe and accessible.
This decentralized network is a DLT generally based on blockchain technology.
And you may be wondering what a DLT is?
Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) or distributed ledger technologies are a set of technologies that allow us to design a structure of systems, which enables them to function as a non-centralized database. There is no central computer or server that stores the information (you cannot «hack» the database as there is no central computer to attack).
What are the advantages of DApps over a centralized application?
1 . They are based on free software
One of the great pillars or benefits of DApps is that their construction has been developed around free software.
Being a free software allows there to be a large community of developers behind to provide service and support to the network, enhancing a high level of security to be achieved.
2. They are decentralized
It is a great exponential competitive advantage over time, since the larger the network on which the DApp is based, the more computers (or nodes) there will be in the system and the more difficult it will be for it to fall or collapse.
3. Security
Running on a network made up of thousands of nodes guarantees that,even if one or more nodes in your network fall, it can still work.
Did you remember the fall of whatsapp a few months ago? It would be impossible to happen with the DApps.